Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pokemon Leef Green Controls

Bach Flowers are a series of natural essences used to treat various emotional situations, such as fear, loneliness, despair, stress, depression and obsessions. They were discovered by Edward Bach between 1926 and 1934.

Dr. Bach was a great scholar, also a doctor and homeopath. He experimented with various wild flowers native to the region of Wales in Britain, where he was from, to find 38 natural remedies, each one with healing properties for various emotional problems. These 38 flowers are called Flores de Bach.

Bach Flowers are also called Bach flower essences and Bach flower essences.

His theory was that physical illnesses have an emotional origin, and if the emotional conflicts persist for a long time, the condition of the body begins to appear, however, to restore the emotional balance the physical illness is resolved. It was thus that developed the therapy of emotions.

After more than 70 years, the remedies have been proven as an excellent system to address the physical, mental and emotional beings.

To learn more of the remedies and their origin we suggest you visit the page Origin of Bach Flower . We also offer a small biography of Dr. Bach.

For some applications of the remedies we suggest you visit Applications of Bach Flower .

To learn more about how to take the flowers please see How to take Bach Flower .


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