are three nuclear power stations are on alert for radioactive spills: the ground Fukushima nuclear power, that of Onagawa and Tokai. Japanese authorities distribute medication to protect against thyroid cancer, the most affected victims of radiation. Seventeen seamen aboard the USS Reagan, who assisted in Fukushima, showed levels of radiation.
So far, the Japanese health authorities believe at least 200 people have been directly affected by radiation. However, "should plan based on worst-case scenario," said Dr. John Boice, scientific director of the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Maryland.
also detected radiation levels in the bodies of 17 members of the crew of the USS Reagan. These officers had traveled by helicopter to assist people in the Fukushima nuclear plant where the explosion occurred.
ship Authorities reported that officers have been exposed, in just one hour at a dose of radiation equivalent to that which can be received in a month. Therefore, the American naval authorities decided to relocate the entire fleet of ships and aircraft operating off the coast near the nuclear plant to avoid further exposure to radiation.
Fukushima The explosion occurred in Unit 1 of the plant which is located 120 kilometers from the capital, Tokyo, and the southern-ness, a city that was the epicenter of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the area on Friday 11. He immediately began to evacuate workers and people living within a radius of 12 miles around the nuclear plant.
Sunday 13, another nuclear power plant located in Onagawa showed high levels of radioactivity. That same day the central Tokai went on high alert because of a malfunction in the cooling system. And on Monday, 14 Fukushima suffered two explosions.
The effects of smog on health
Doctors randomly tested plant workers or people in nearby hospitals to determine the degree of risk that have been exposed.
Doctors randomly tested plant workers or people in nearby hospitals to determine the degree of risk that have been exposed.
Japan is one of the countries most knowledgeable of the consequences of a toxic cloud caused by a nuclear explosion as they sought and studied, the victims of radiation from the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, during World War II.
The extent of risk, and damage depends largely on the degree of exposure suffered by the person. And this exhibition is directly related to the wind. "The more wind you have, the more it expands and intensifies the toxic cloud," Dr. Boice said.
risks to the health of a person exposed to a cloud of radioactive material ranging from mild respiratory problems to long-term disorders and cancer. Eight
health consequences of an earthquake that leaves
The most common disease called Acute Radiation Syndrome. This is a serious disease that occurs when the body receives radiation doses, especially of iodine or gamma rays for a period short time, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, its acronym in English).
The most common disease called Acute Radiation Syndrome. This is a serious disease that occurs when the body receives radiation doses, especially of iodine or gamma rays for a period short time, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, its acronym in English).
Typical symptoms of radiation poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Another effect of radiation is damage to the skin. Swelling, itching and redness, and even hair loss.
As with the other symptoms, the skin may appear to have been cured, until the return of symptoms and last for days or weeks.
The greater the exposure, the lower the life expectancy of people with this syndrome. The cause of death in most cases is the destruction of the spinal cord, caused by infections or internal bleeding.
Thousands of survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and 30 firefighters attended the accident after the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident in Ukraine in 1986, suffered from this syndrome.
In 1945, about 90,000 people in Japan died from the toxic cloud caused by these bombs. 9.000 and killed up decades later by radiation-induced cancers. In the population affected by this type of radiation cancer risk rises 500 times. Vitamin D
The Chernobyl accident released a large radioactive iodine, which affected the functioning of the thyroid gland in thousands. And thyroid cancer caused hundreds of children. The accident occurred 500 times more power than the bombs dropped on Japan.
The Chernobyl accident released a large radioactive iodine, which affected the functioning of the thyroid gland in thousands. And thyroid cancer caused hundreds of children. The accident occurred 500 times more power than the bombs dropped on Japan.
explains the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, for its acronym in English), many things emit radiation: light, a microwave, but not radiation affect human health. These radiations "harmless" are called "non-ionizing." However, the radiation emitted by nuclear power plants when there is an accident is called "ionizing radiation", which is a human carcinogen.
Ionizing radiation increases the risk of certain cancers more than others.
thyroid gland and bone marrow are more sensitive to radiation. So, says the Health Center at the University of Maryland, thyroid cancer and leukemia, a cancer that arises in the bone marrow are most commonly induced by radiation.
With exposure to radiation, thyroid gland cells and spinal cord begin to die and their DNA to "poisoning", which causes a cellular degenerative process. The cells become "evil", ie cancerous.
observation on the incidence of thyroid cancer arises from the direct analysis of casualties exposed to nuclear radiation. Studies conducted after the atomic bombings in Japan and the Chernobyl nuclear accident found a high incidence of thyroid cancer in particular.
Therefore, the current preoccupation of the Japanese health authorities is to prevent this cancer gets exposed in the future.
However, other serious health problems can result from extensive exposure to radiation such as genetic mutations or mental retardation. According to EPA, if 1,000 fetuses between 8 and 15 weeks were exposed to 1 rem of radiation (international measure which measures the intensity of radiation), 4 of them will have mental retardation.
What is thyroid cancer
explains the National Cancer Institute, cancer of the thyroid is a disease in which cells form malignant (cancer) in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
explains the National Cancer Institute, cancer of the thyroid is a disease in which cells form malignant (cancer) in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the throat near the trachea. A healthy thyroid is a little larger than a silver quarter. Usually can not be felt through the skin.
The thyroid uses iodine, a mineral found in some foods and in iodized salt, to help develop several hormones. Thyroid hormones have the following functions:
control heart rate, body temperature and the speed with which food is transformed into energy (metabolism).
Controls the amount of calcium in the blood.
After long-term studies conducted in people affected by radiation, scientists can say that exposure to radioactive material is a direct cause of thyroid cancer.
Controls the amount of calcium in the blood.
After long-term studies conducted in people affected by radiation, scientists can say that exposure to radioactive material is a direct cause of thyroid cancer.
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