Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Appointments Mayo Clinic Toronto

The Serpa as national liaison officer of the Municipalities of Opposition. Continued

Gerardo Díaz Páez
Promoter of the municipalities of Artemisa

Opposition March 8 - The project managers opposition municipalities had the vision not to create a vertical structure, but each municipality be autonomous as an antidote to the insights and conscious or unconscious actions that pollute the project and to disintegrate as has happened with most of the opposition organizations and civil society in Cuba. In addition, to avoid concentration of power, contacts and relationships in the same people who primarily appropriating or misuse of resources.

The strategy of creating opposition municipalities throughout the length and breadth of the country, mainly in remote areas, where the opposition and the general population are less moral and logistical support is essential to use the resources that are available only in the capital, starting with the support provided by the Office of Interests of the United States and some European embassies.

In this context, we need a center for collecting and forwarding the documentation prepared and submitted to the authorities as the demands and documents specific to each municipality to object to be formed. In addition, you need the receipt, printing and national distribution of documents concerning opposition municipalities and make copies for each county to convey to the victims and the public during their demands.

All this work was played by Carlos Serpa Maceira, since it implemented the initiative, even delivering mail hundreds of letters with official project documents, which are documented and testimonial evidence of receipt, in as far away as Moa and Baracoa and Camaguey some areas, among others. Serpa was instrumental in the founding and development of the first 21 municipalities in opposition.

I just want to refer to their participation in the municipalities of opposition, but in other activities, actions had political impact. However, although in practice served as a national focal point in our organizational structure, there is no charge to that category, all charges are well defined, and all are under municipal jurisdiction.

Drawing conclusions, Serpa said nothing that would compromise the project, including logistical aspects of which he had knowledge. If the promotion and development of municipalities in opposition was a task assigned by the State Security, it appears that elements of the military institution are conspiring to put on the above scheme. Most times the possible changes of the above. No wonder, when so many members of the Cuban intelligence and other government agencies have dropped and now reside in the United States and other countries, with some credibility, participation and recognition, sometimes more than dedicated opponents forged in the struggle for Cuban cause.

The positive that leaves Serpa, as well as opposition municipalities constituted, is that the news of her uncover and link with the work of the municipalities of opposition, has given a great outreach project, both at home and abroad has begun to know more. This important initiative will future public servants, they are the beginnings of a legitimate democratically constituted government.

needed that the real opponents and those who rightly question the attitude of Serpa, to assume the role he performed, but with the moral that the country needs.

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My audio-documentary about Phineas Taylor Barnum

three years ago, during my career in advertising at the University San Jorge, I did PR for the subject of this work on PT Barnum, a master Circus of the nineteenth century, who knew how to use advertising and public relations shamelessly to deceive and bamboozle the public. Listen to him, it is worth:

Matures Womens In Girdles

My pupurrí radio

This is the project I submitted with my final working group as the subject of radio in USJ.
It includes wedges promotions, interviews and programs I made in a context of adventures. The story chronicles the search for a dangerous terrorist who try to hunt through the different messages they hear from him.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Star Is Born Invitations

"Las Meninas" in "3D" TEAM Agapito

Today my Aunt Isabel came home for lunch. Is moving, and it is that so many box and so many things have found a picture that I gave and I did for art class when I was 15 and was at 4 º ESO. This is a representation of the painting Las Meninas by Velázquez made wood panels in 3D! Sisi, in 3D because the characters I made on various panels and then was placed in relief.
Say it is not my greatest work of art, but I made a huge dream to see him again .... indeed, it is worrying that even when drawing pictures seem to do comics.

Friday, March 25, 2011

John Cena Three Fingers

In 2011 a command consists of 6 of the best men of the Liga were prejudged for a crime he did not commit. They soon stirred to confront the powers of football. Today, still wanted by the justice, survive as president of First Division teams.
If you want to watch football in open market or are opposed to the new television deal, and you find them, maybe you can hire them. They are:

This is my first bullet of # RZToons to # RZTW , the new information twitblog zaragocista on the network, gestated spontaneously among a group of twitter with heart tilefish. I ask / recommend that you follow them. Very interesting and very innovative project.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pokemon Leef Green Controls

Bach Flowers are a series of natural essences used to treat various emotional situations, such as fear, loneliness, despair, stress, depression and obsessions. They were discovered by Edward Bach between 1926 and 1934.

Dr. Bach was a great scholar, also a doctor and homeopath. He experimented with various wild flowers native to the region of Wales in Britain, where he was from, to find 38 natural remedies, each one with healing properties for various emotional problems. These 38 flowers are called Flores de Bach.

Bach Flowers are also called Bach flower essences and Bach flower essences.

His theory was that physical illnesses have an emotional origin, and if the emotional conflicts persist for a long time, the condition of the body begins to appear, however, to restore the emotional balance the physical illness is resolved. It was thus that developed the therapy of emotions.

After more than 70 years, the remedies have been proven as an excellent system to address the physical, mental and emotional beings.

To learn more of the remedies and their origin we suggest you visit the page Origin of Bach Flower . We also offer a small biography of Dr. Bach.

For some applications of the remedies we suggest you visit Applications of Bach Flower .

To learn more about how to take the flowers please see How to take Bach Flower .

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cold Sore And Hypothyroidism

Live: France destroyed several tanks Gaddafi

ABC.es - 17 minutes ago
French planes have carried out a total of four air strikes on Libyan territory, according to a French military source quoted by AFP. It is also reported that there have been loud explosions to the east of Tripoli, with fireballs that have ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Many Lone Pairs Of Electrons Are On Clf2-

Japan faces the nuclear apocalypse

An explosion in reactor number 2 of the Fukushima central causes radioactive elements arrive at Tokyo

"The Japanese authorities have lost control," said Energy Commissioner EU
From Hiroshima to Chernobyl Fukushima through. The world gets to peek into the abyss of a nuclear disaster and once again, it does in Japan. The only country that has suffered in their own flesh the detonation of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War is now facing a very dangerous radioactive leak at the plant in Fukushima, 250 kilometers northeast of Tokyo. It is already the worst nuclear accident at Chernobyl after the disaster, the plant of the former Soviet Union, spreading a toxic cloud to the north and central Europe and which is still causing cancers and horrendous genetic malformations.
For the third consecutive day yesterday there was an explosion in one of the six reactors at the Fukushima-in this case the number 2 - and a fire broke out at number 4. When firefighters extinguished the fire, they found two cracks eight square meters in the reactor vessel, where they could escape back further escapes. What the hell is happening? "Shouted angry Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, the leaders of the company that operates the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), for the delay in being informed.

These incidents, coupled with the previous day's blasts in the other two reactors, have led to the detection of radioactive elements in Tokyo. Although the authorities insist that pollution levels are low and not pose a health risk in Japan's capital has sparked panic and thousands of people have stockpiled food, water, masks, blankets, sleeping bags, flashlights and candles.

In a dramatic televised speech, the prime minister admitted that "radiation levels have risen considerably" and ordered that the entire population within 30 miles of the plant in Fukushima, about 140,000 people, remain locked in their homes with the windows sealed. According to the Japan Government, the radiation levels near the plant came to be between 100 and 400 times higher than allowed after the escape. "These figures may affect health, there's no doubt," government spokesman acknowledged, Yukio Edan, who then announced that radioactivity had fallen overnight in the nuclear power plant in Tokyo and the neighboring city of Chiba.

Of the 800 employees who were desperately trying to cool the reactors at the plant, there are only 50. They are the "liquidators", true unsung heroes who are risking their lives in a titanic struggle to alleviate a tragedy that seems irreversible, and that in the coming days is unlikely to improve, but worsen. The Japanese Army has already installed hoses to cool the reactor towers, concrete walls which have blown up in explosions, and has sought assistance from U.S. military helicopters pour water over them. The main danger is that some of the affected reactor melt and cause an atomic explosion of biblical proportions. Derailed

The devastating earthquake and tsunami on Friday, which swept the northeast coast of Japan and has left over 10,000 dead, now joins a nuclear apocalypse. "We talk of apocalypse and I think the word is well chosen because the Japanese authorities have lost control of Fukushima" he said Energy Commissioner of the European Union, Günther Oettinger.

For its part, the Nuclear Safety Authority of France raised the severity the loss to the sixth level on the international scale of atomic accidents. The Administration continues to treat Japan as in level 4. Above, on Level 5, you see the tragedy in 1979 at Three Mile Island (Pennsylvania), the American central core of which melted releasing large amount of radioactive material. Of the six reactors available to the plant in Fukushima, four have suffered serious problems and the other two have undergone a dangerous rise in temperatures. Apart from trial work to cool the cores, the fate of the radioactive leak will depend largely on wind last night blew in a southwesterly direction to Tokyo but in the coming days is expected to change east, ie the Pacific Ocean without hitting populated areas in Japan or other nearby countries.

also influence the aftershocks of the earthquake of 9 degrees on Friday, which have been repeated hundreds. Virtually every half hour, the earth shook again in Japan, suffering from mild shock to sway buildings to violent seizures that are shaking the ground.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

President Lincoln New

Sasusaku Lemon One Shot

Japan admits radiation leak "which may affect to health "after a fire and a new explosion in Fukushima

R. MENDEZ / G. HIGUERAS 717 comments

Stools 30 miles around nuclear power. "The warning comes to Tokyo for the wind could push the particles." The Government acknowledges that there may be cracks in the reactor vessel 2 .- The Japanese nuclear agency requests assistance from the UN and the U.S.

Can A Rabbit Die From Surgery


are three nuclear power stations are on alert for radioactive spills: the ground Fukushima nuclear power, that of Onagawa and Tokai. Japanese authorities distribute medication to protect against thyroid cancer, the most affected victims of radiation. Seventeen seamen aboard the USS Reagan, who assisted in Fukushima, showed levels of radiation.
So far, the Japanese health authorities believe at least 200 people have been directly affected by radiation. However, "should plan based on worst-case scenario," said Dr. John Boice, scientific director of the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Maryland.
also detected radiation levels in the bodies of 17 members of the crew of the USS Reagan. These officers had traveled by helicopter to assist people in the Fukushima nuclear plant where the explosion occurred.
ship Authorities reported that officers have been exposed, in just one hour at a dose of radiation equivalent to that which can be received in a month. Therefore, the American naval authorities decided to relocate the entire fleet of ships and aircraft operating off the coast near the nuclear plant to avoid further exposure to radiation.
The explosion occurred in Unit 1 of the plant which is located 120 kilometers from the capital, Tokyo, and the southern-ness, a city that was the epicenter of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the area on Friday 11. He immediately began to evacuate workers and people living within a radius of 12 miles around the nuclear plant.
Sunday 13, another nuclear power plant located in Onagawa showed high levels of radioactivity. That same day the central Tokai went on high alert because of a malfunction in the cooling system. And on Monday, 14 Fukushima suffered two explosions.
The effects of smog on health
Doctors randomly tested plant workers or people in nearby hospitals to determine the degree of risk that have been exposed.
Japan is one of the countries most knowledgeable of the consequences of a toxic cloud caused by a nuclear explosion as they sought and studied, the victims of radiation from the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, during World War II.
The extent of risk, and damage depends largely on the degree of exposure suffered by the person. And this exhibition is directly related to the wind. "The more wind you have, the more it expands and intensifies the toxic cloud," Dr. Boice said.
risks to the health of a person exposed to a cloud of radioactive material ranging from mild respiratory problems to long-term disorders and cancer. Eight
health consequences of an earthquake that leaves
The most common disease called Acute Radiation Syndrome. This is a serious disease that occurs when the body receives radiation doses, especially of iodine or gamma rays for a period short time, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, its acronym in English).
Typical symptoms of radiation poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Another effect of radiation is damage to the skin. Swelling, itching and redness, and even hair loss.
As with the other symptoms, the skin may appear to have been cured, until the return of symptoms and last for days or weeks.
The greater the exposure, the lower the life expectancy of people with this syndrome. The cause of death in most cases is the destruction of the spinal cord, caused by infections or internal bleeding.
Thousands of survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and 30 firefighters attended the accident after the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident in Ukraine in 1986, suffered from this syndrome.
In 1945, about 90,000 people in Japan died from the toxic cloud caused by these bombs. 9.000 and killed up decades later by radiation-induced cancers. In the population affected by this type of radiation cancer risk rises 500 times. Vitamin D
The Chernobyl accident released a large radioactive iodine, which affected the functioning of the thyroid gland in thousands. And thyroid cancer caused hundreds of children. The accident occurred 500 times more power than the bombs dropped on Japan.
explains the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, for its acronym in English), many things emit radiation: light, a microwave, but not radiation affect human health. These radiations "harmless" are called "non-ionizing." However, the radiation emitted by nuclear power plants when there is an accident is called "ionizing radiation", which is a human carcinogen.
Ionizing radiation increases the risk of certain cancers more than others.
thyroid gland and bone marrow are more sensitive to radiation. So, says the Health Center at the University of Maryland, thyroid cancer and leukemia, a cancer that arises in the bone marrow are most commonly induced by radiation.
With exposure to radiation, thyroid gland cells and spinal cord begin to die and their DNA to "poisoning", which causes a cellular degenerative process. The cells become "evil", ie cancerous.
observation on the incidence of thyroid cancer arises from the direct analysis of casualties exposed to nuclear radiation. Studies conducted after the atomic bombings in Japan and the Chernobyl nuclear accident found a high incidence of thyroid cancer in particular.
Therefore, the current preoccupation of the Japanese health authorities is to prevent this cancer gets exposed in the future.
However, other serious health problems can result from extensive exposure to radiation such as genetic mutations or mental retardation. According to EPA, if 1,000 fetuses between 8 and 15 weeks were exposed to 1 rem of radiation (international measure which measures the intensity of radiation), 4 of them will have mental retardation.
What is thyroid cancer
explains the National Cancer Institute, cancer of the thyroid is a disease in which cells form malignant (cancer) in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the throat near the trachea. A healthy thyroid is a little larger than a silver quarter. Usually can not be felt through the skin.
The thyroid uses iodine, a mineral found in some foods and in iodized salt, to help develop several hormones. Thyroid hormones have the following functions:
control heart rate, body temperature and the speed with which food is transformed into energy (metabolism).
Controls the amount of calcium in the blood.
After long-term studies conducted in people affected by radiation, scientists can say that exposure to radioactive material is a direct cause of thyroid cancer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Does A Mississippi River Look Like????

Can Hypothyroidism Cause Cold Sores


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To Congratulate Birthday

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Fukushima, Japan - Nuclear Reactor Explosion - March 12, 2011 Tsunami

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Japan: the vague sur les terres

Can You Drink Soda Pop With Canker Sores

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seafarers Medical Certificate Eng1

BOOM! Nolan

Well, I'll hang some of the characters I have in one stroke. Only one is painted in Photoshop, the rest is done by hand. I have no time to perfect, scanning and painting all my characters. Nor am I making a comic (for now), better to spend more time writing than drawing.

I show a Zur'Thai, Alyssa, Bob, Aquikabán, Boreas, Claton, Sara, Hippolytus, and many more.
