Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ringworm In Hand Isnt Healing

Mexico: Building democracy in

Perhaps the most authoritative political scientist to talk about the process of political liberalization that Latin America has suffered in the past three decades, Guillermo O'Donnell asserts that Mexico's democracy is still under construction and features are defined.

Doctor in Political Science from Yale University, O'Donnell, interview for the newspaper Reforma , does not hesitate to speak of López Obrador, a former candidate for president of Mexico, but does so with restraint, avoiding futurology play "what would have happened not to have won Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but there are many candidate cases that cause this kind of reflection and terrified after a very sensible rule. "

The professor at the University of Notre Dame among the American rule that there is a sense of disillusionment with democracy, prefers to speak of a hoax, because "we have won a free regime but often the political leaders who come from the cold of opposition not fall short of expectations. "

In this context, one might add that the transition to democracy in Mexico encourages the presence of the characteristic features of modern political communication, for example, highly competitive elections, professionalization of campaigns, continuous measurement of public opinion customization of the elections, accountability, increased use of electronic media to disseminate messages and contend with high levels of negativity.

Mexican political transition began with the electoral reforms of 1977, almost ten years after (Presidential elections in 1988) we can find many of the features listed above. In the five subsequent electoral contests (1991, 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2006), Mexicans have witnessed changes in the power struggle.


Reform Access to subscription required. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to share the entire interview for free, by clicking here .

suggest reading the interview with O'Donnell accompanied by the following article: "Democratic Deepening in Third Wave Democracies: Experiments with Participation in Mexico City" , Imke Harbers, in Political Studies, 2007, Vol 55.


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