With a clear strategy for change, Gregorio "Greg" Sanchez, candidate of the leftist coalition with the People's Force, won the electoral triumph last February 3 at Benito Juárez (Cancún), Quintana Roo, the most important tourist destination in Mexico and Latin America.
Greg Sanchez's victory in Cancun crystallized argued that the electoral growth of the Democratic Revolution Party registered in Benito Juárez since almost a decade. Between 1999 and 2005, the PRD has doubled its level of voting going from 29 thousand to 58 thousand votes, representing a growth of 100%. In the three elections of mayors within that period (1999, 2002 and 2005) the difference between the winning party and the PRD ranged between 600 and 2,700 votes.
should add that in the last three local elections, the participation of cancunenses had a ceiling of 50% (2005) and a floor of 32.5% (2002). In 2005 he held general elections (governor, mayors and local deputies) and in 2002 were intermediate and only renewed the local Congress and the municipalities. That is, the level of participation expected for this election year, 2008, was similar to last six, slightly above 30%. And so it was only 139.707 voters a list of names of 365.626 appeared before the polls, equivalent to 38.21% stake. Putting it in perspective
, electoral research yielded a clear scenario of high competition and low participation in the election of President Benito Juarez City for the period 2008-2011. Against this background, strategies publicum drew up a strategic approach to the campaign of Greg Sanchez-based: the strategy, the candidate and the party strictly in that order.
The change people want
Greg Sanchez took over the issue of change. In his campaign prevailed local factor, taking advantage of discontent benitojuarenses for the poor results of the municipal administration in office, and called for a change of government in creating a citizen's movement around the call to oust the PRI from City Hall.
Thus, Greg defined the meaning of the election and the contest was two: PRI - PRD. Greg's candidacy at the same time, polarized with the PRI candidate, Victor Viveros, whom he described as "more of the same" and accused of representing the past.
discipline kept the campaign's message for change was transverse for the win.
internal elections, citizen leadership and social agenda
Greg Sanchez's candidacy was strengthened internal process of the PRD, despite the clash with Juan Ignacio "El Chacho" Garcia Zalvidea, former leader of the PRD in Quintana Roo and Cancun former mayor (during the electoral process gave up the local leadership of the PRD and went to support the campaign of Victor Viveros). Declared
PRD candidate Greg finalized with the PT and Convergencia coalition with the People's Force, a tactic that diluted the names of the parties, increased the coalition and citizen leadership robusteció Greg, close to the people, with sensitivity and charisma.
Greg also presented a raft of proposals of high social impact ad hoc with the public agenda. Priority issues were: security, paving and cleaning. Air and Earth
Greg Sanchez articulated its air and ground campaigns. On the one hand, maintained a constant media presence as the backbone bearing a message with a local focus city. The air strategy was colorful, festive and purposeful.
And, secondly, met with a strong plan of every house tours, won the streets with a permanent presence on cruises, and edged out their opponents to assist all local citizens' forums which was convened. The campaign also merged the city with events contact Great, of dragging. Vote
Another key factor that played into the candidate of the coalition with the People's Power (PRD-PT-Convergencia), was the call he made to supporters of the PAN in favor of tactical voting.
The call to not waste the vote took effect: the National Action candidates to deputies of the districts X, XI, XII and XIII that make up the municipality of Benito Juárez, together received 20.851 votes, equivalent to 14.97% of the vote, while Patricia Sanchez, candidate for mayor, won only 11.51%, ie 16.091 votes.
The difference between the vote for candidates for deputies and Patricia Sánchez score was 4.760, 3.46 percentage points.
The collapse of the PRI Mobilizing Strategies
As publicum warned in 2007 [1] , Mobilizing the PRI, as those with modern systems, focused and mobilizing the base, not consulting the people to elect candidates, which rarely attracts the vote volatile, which hardly keeps the unit, which can not reduce the voting antiPRI and has a message for the future in a highly competitive scenario, as was the case in Cancun 2008, collapses.
The PRI candidate was wrong and failed to position it. Ran for Victor Viveros, a politician with an image worn, competing for the second time for mayor of Benito Juárez (competed in 2002, that time lost to Garcia Zalvidea Chacho).
Victor Viveros, meanwhile, was never able to exploit their strengths and those of his party: political experience, administrative capacity, party leadership, good assessment of the state government. Faced with the clarity and discipline in his message Greg Sanchez, Viveros was inconsistency and vagueness in his, reflecting lax that followed in its strategy.
Another factor to achieve success not Viveros, was not to have agreed a broader coalition that included the New Alliance Party. The PANAL got almost 6 000 votes, equivalent to 4.30% of the total vote. The difference between Nursery and Greg was less than one percentage point.
Victor Viveros's campaign had several approaches, perhaps motivated by the intervention of "many hands." Finally, focused on its strategy of land and was a 1.089 score the victory.
1. "secret."
2. "prohibited by IEQROO Spot."
3. Junk.
[1] Cf The Alternation Alternation , publicum Strategies, Mexico, 2007. All Rights Reserved.