Sunday, October 19, 2008

Implantation Bleed Late Af Stetchy Cm

So I lived. Testimony of the 2006 presidential election

Luis Carlos Ugalde, a former adviser President IFE, and his version of the 2006 presidential election.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How To Have An Orgasim With Objects

will the final debate between Obama and McCain

Today will be held the third and final debate between the candidates for U.S. president, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain . The first two meetings were dominated by one issue: the economic crisis.

In the current context, with the global financial meltdown as a backdrop, no subject is expected transfiguration, on the contrary, the debate continue to focus on the economy as well as the ability to rescue America from the quagmire that leaves George W. Bush, electoral choice that certainly plays into Obama's aspirations, it moves the themes of leadership and patriotic values, driven and McCain capitalized.

To read the full post, go to the blog Germaine Angeli.


Germain Angeli is one of the brightest people I've met over the Internet. Argentina is a young journalist, is in Buenos Aires and maintains one of the best specializing in Web 2.0 blogs.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lord Of The Ring Audiobook Unabridged

October 2, 1968 Mexico 2009 electoral process

Four decades later, around the October 2, 1968 will bring together two groups. On the one hand, those who still feel aggrieved by the events of that gloomy afternoon. Furthermore, those who doubt the libertarian and democratic heritage of the student movement. And in the middle of both, a third sheds light in understanding the significance of what happened four decades ago.

Luis Hernández Navarro speaks of the "131 Days That Shook to Mexico" and gives this period the epithet of "social earthquake urban. "Blanche Petrich analyzes the role played by the " Newspapers Sold! " during the summer and autumn of 1968.

Enrique Krauze calls attention on the beatification uncritical of the student movement and calls demystify it. Armando González Torres, meanwhile, highlights the dichotomy in which 68 Mexican beats "recalls a party atmosphere and subversive jokes, but also temptations of violence, refers to novel ideas and concepts, but also the chatter and childish. "

For Jose Woldenberg what happened in 1968 was a slaughter and reason for the split between the government and a large segment of the middle class "enlightened" motor further democratizing the country changes. Lorenzo Meyer says that, to date, "we are still denied basic information" about the victims, those responsible for acts and omissions, the reasons and methods.

Song Themed Appetizers

Today begins the formal electoral process 2008-2009, will lead the 5th of July next year, when they appear more than 70 million Mexicans to the polls.

is not over remember that the next is an intense year in electoral terms: it renews the House of Representatives, six governors are elected, there are elections in 13 states, 11 of which are concurrent with federal elections. In total, 1.595 at stake elected office.
The following are the disaggregated numbers:

In this election, it will test the Electoral Reform passed by Congress last year. The revamped IFE , complete with new roles, responsibilities and budget, will thus face no easy task to organize a electoral process more complex in its young history.
We will follow up. *****************************
To download the calendar to click here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Deathwatch Robb White Notes

Why Vicente Fox won the presidential election of 2000?

Through a friend, I came to blows this book, whose existence he knew, but had never read. Now the review.

people understand. Why Fox won
Ortiz Nuevo Siglo Aguilar, Mexico, 2002. I

the author. Francisco Ortiz was the general coordinator of marketing for the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox in 2000. In The Pines was the head of the General Coordination of Public Opinion and Image of the Presidency of the Republic until 2003, when he became President of the Council of Tourist Promotion of Mexico, a position he left in 2006 to join the team of Felipe Calderón , who after the first two months of the campaign ran.

Before his foray into politics, Ortiz was in charge of the areas Marketing of Richardson Vicks, Protec & Gamble, the Televisa and Grupo Editorial Radiópolis. His tenure in these companies was instrumental in establishing contact with then-candidate Vicente Fox: Time Macoy, a renowned head hunter firm Kornferry International, and he knew from his years at Procter & Gamble, called him to offer work on the campaign presidential candidate.
Fox, during its passage through Coca Cola, he resorted to the firm where he worked for scouting Macoy occupy executive positions in the crime.


structure. Understand The book people Francisco Ortiz is composed of six chapters, one of which, the sixth, containing the testimony of Santiago Pando, responsible for creative strategy in the campaign of the Alliance for Change (PAN-PVEM), a coalition that ran for Vicente Fox in 2000 electoral process.

Jorge G. Castañeda, Secretary of Foreign Affairs during the first half of the Fox government, writes the foreword, which stresses the economy of words and clarity of exposition of Ortiz to demonstrate "the extent to which contemporary democratic competition in Mexico may not forward without statistical resources and political marketing as vital instruments of political and electoral success. " Castañeda

emphasizes also the importance for Mexico historic electoral victory of Vicente Fox, who recognized the wisdom of incorporating in its team of specialists in marketing, "with Paco Ortiz at the forefront," who he says, managed to adapt their knowledge and skills to a different phenomenon: promoting the image and message of an active candidate, not a commercial product liability.


content. The book's title, people understand, from a conclusion the author came after nine months of intense work on the presidential campaign, when he realized that "our results more remarkable was that we managed to understand what most people thought and wanted in Mexico." Being one of the fundamental reasons why they got the win, he says.

The book seeks to answer the question: How is marketing in a political campaign? Question that serves as a common thread.

The marketing policy allows the reasons that motivate voters, previously selected as the main recipients efforts of a campaign, "before, after and at the time of voting." This is based on the strategy designed by Francisco Ortiz for the candidate Vicente Fox

Ortiz explains what his campaign strategy:

"... focused on observing, recording and coding of variables should be strengthened for the candidate to take them into account when drawing up their messages. These variables resulted in proposals that guided and helped to reinforce some of the attitudes of the candidate ... align their messages with the purpose that he wanted to communicate to voters that have not yet decided for who vote. "

In short, the entire electoral process eventually becomes a call to a movement of consciousness that people inside should make an effort to require a trust in the power of its decision, which would be faithfully respected during the elections of July 2, 2000.

The first chapter, entitled An awareness campaign, is about the first contacts between Ortiz and Fox, Ortiz incorporating the campaign team, the preliminary diagnosis, the initial policy proposals, some conceptual differences, difficulties government communication, the relationship between marketing and general policy and strategy orchestrated in the presidential election.

As a result of their first participation in a joint evaluation of the advertising campaign and marketing strategy, Ortiz concludes that "it had found a clearly defined strategy for the candidate, moreover, had not even heard someone mention advertising strategy and what was 'what was going to position'. "

According to Ortiz, an advertising strategy is to identify three main factors: a.

The primary benefit of the product: what that product or that person will provide the public with objective, depending on what the public expects. B.
The reason why the consumer is going to believe in the benefit it offers that product or person. C.
The tone and character of the advertisement.

Thus, during the strategic planning "Fox as a product" , begins to understand the key attributes of Fox, as "each product has unique features that make it special, and a good campaign must know how to communicate those attributes ... The same applies in the field of political marketing. "

To balance his inexperience in the field of political marketing, Ortiz reviews foreign election campaign spots, especially in Latin America. Agreed with the Argentine publicist Ramiro Aguya, Lowe & Partners, the use of some of its business, especially one that is called Fool and in Argentina called Stupid . The concept already incorporates and adapts Brazil, Chile and Argentina.

The best campaign by reviewing, in his view "excellent" is that of Fernando De la Rua, it "is directed more to the emotions and nationalist sentiments of the people for cold and rational aspects. Once

by the campaign's strategy reoriented. The first decision is: to determine precisely the target audience: men and women over 18 with a voter ID and which were in the country on 2 July 2000. The second: to design a media plan designed to reach most of the television audience, which was concentrated in soap operas or sitcoms. Third, raise awareness and give up on that occasion was his vote does count and be counted, to overcome voter apathy and encourage them to go to the polls.

Ortiz explains, with notable lack of theory, the distinction between public and public opinion to ensure that "public opinion in Mexico is governed by what you hear on the street or what they think the ordinary people." In addition, qualifies as fair behavior of the media during the electoral process, although "none of them openly supported us," most "neutral behaved."

In a kind of self-criticism, acknowledged that the expectation generated by the campaign was so great that to reach the government "all we wanted to see the changes more quickly." And in what seems like a justification, an example: "It's not the same to see a car from outside and say yes you can manage to get on and find the shifter bent, worn clutch, gas tank empty, the cover rotates, the loose wheel and directional lights cast. "

second chapter: Communication and Political Marketing. It details the arrival of a new career in politics: "the person responsible for marketing in elections." It also stresses the importance of statistics for political marketing that allows you to "bring the message with the essence of the candidate."

differences are established between marketing commercial and political marketing, focussing primarily on the profit interest of the former against the public interest in the second, the promotion of those products and services, and promotion of people and proposals for it. The big difference between the two, according to Ortiz, is that "political marketing does not address a specific market ... your stuff is society and its entire range."

To design an advertisement, Ortiz recommends three key steps:

1. Taking into account the needs of society.
2. Clearly identify the target audience.
3. Put the message in appropriate media.

That is, the political marketing should enhance the image of the candidate and the government proposal, translate them into messages that can be understood by the target audience and place them in the most effective means to reach the target.

In this section, again with weak bases, Ortiz recognizes the importance of the scientific study of the communication, analyzes the classical model of communication, trying unsuccessfully to explain the relationship between communication and interaction, not define the term ends marketing (on the which there is no consensus among specialists) and emphasizes the importance of market research in the process marketer.

In the third chapter, Public Opinion and Media , confused, entangled and lost in a maze when trying to distinguish between collective and mass communication or public communication. Ortiz speculated and dares to say that "while Americans for mass communication is the same as public communication, mass communication for the French, is synonymous with mass media as a result of a process rather than the process itself."

When you try to define the term public opinion is better grips and holds to say that public opinion refers to "the concepts of issues national interest, free and publicly expressed by people outside the government to express their right to have their views may influence or determine the actions and government structures. "

The Development campaign strategy described in the fourth. After 71 years of PRI governments, in the minds of people permeated a longing for change. To make the change, "who contend for the Presidency of the Republic should make an effective and powerful marketing campaign."

To achieve this goal, the strategy proposed by Francisco Ortiz is:

1. Awareness people about the power of decision that would take and express it through their votes.
2. Show people that their proposals would be finally taken into account.
3. Use the candidate's charisma and strength of their ideas so that people see in it the real possibility of change.

The strategy is based on one principle:

"The election result is directly related to the effect of emotional appeal to the candidate."

The implementation of the strategy is summarized in the following lines:

"Both in our brochures, billboards and other materials prints and videos, had a goal to attract people through emotional identification and proximity to a candidate able to understand, to 'put yourself in their shoes' and live with all kinds of people: the same with children in the street that with students, traders and the business sector. A candidate who lived with all sectors of the population, speaking in their language, and receiving favorable responses seen in the results of surveys. "

Additionally, this chapter describes the design of the samples used in statistical surveys carried out during the campaign. We present a brief history of the PAN, and a biography of Vicente Fox pressed

Chapter Five. This section is dedicated to explaining the need in Vicente Fox to discuss, like any challenger candidate, to describe the scenes of the negotiations on the debates, from "the bench" who asked the team to Francisco Labastida trials were carried out in the tent of the PAN candidate, to recall the success of the first debate , the importance of tests, the negotiation of the second debate, mutation of the "black Tuesday" on "Tuesday's luck," how it happens to be Vicente Fox the candidate of "today, today, today."

sixth and final chapter. Santiago Pando Share what is the vision of an advertiser on politics, wielding the reasons why the campaign decided to ask Vicente Fox, lists the people who joined the team work and describes the development of creative strategy.
Pando, being president of Lowe & Partners in Mexico, Enrique Gibert was invited by his friends, to join the campaign of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas. Almost simultaneously, Francisco Ortiz invites the Fox Faced with such choice, Pando uses his son Danny and asks for your advice. "He, oblivious to all the business details, without hesitation he told me to go with Vicente Fox. "

Design a strategy, although he considers that this proposal could only be carried out through a partnership. The strategy is: to expose the system, waging a war of conscience, to awaken people through a campaign aimed more at heart than to reason, land which the PRI did not.

Fox's publicist recognizes the importance of the PAN coalition with the Green Party, and that through this union, the PAN does not sign trade, but the Alliance for Change. He speaks also of the importance of branding, the importance of Ya : The advantage of the "I" was "to be more than a slogan, a mantra healing karma that we carried for many years. 'Ya' is a word open to invited to go forward, which gives value. 'Since we did', 'I won', was directly related to the 'I Ching', it's so Mexican. " Pando

talks about what he calls The factor Lowe. Most of his team this matter as international advertising firm. Lowe's partner in Argentina, Ramiro Aguya, was responsible for the campaign of Fernando de la Rua, whose campaign was inspired. Michael Sokoloff of Colombia, Lowe partner in that country, made the campaign Pastrana and Chilean Ricardo Lagos, whose campaign also took elements to fit the Mexican context.

In his creative team is the film director Carlos Carrera, director of the film The Crime of Father Amaro, and theater musician Tonio Calvo, who handles music spot "Mexico, July 3, 2000" ( long version).


In summary. The campaign strategy deployed by Vicente Fox during the electoral process
of 2000 can be summed up in seven lines Action:

1. Call a referendum on a major issue.
2. Driving a leadership style closer to people and challenging the system.
3. Summon a citizens' alliance for change.
4. Send a message of change and future.
5. Broadcast advertising happy and emotional.
6. Focus on the start of the campaign (or even earlier).
7. Using surveys and debates to polarize the electorate, and call useful vote.


Just note
final. The best passages in the book of Francisco Ortiz are the beginning and end: indeed, in the prologue and in chapter six: both were written by different hands to those of the author.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Free Masterbation Encouragment

Barack Obama's campaign will rule

Nothing will be the same in U.S. policy. A black man with a fresh new speech, he challenged and defeated a white woman, with all his old political machine. Barack Obama against Hillary Clinton .

Obama made his way to becoming the first black presidential candidate of one of the two strongest parties in the United States, with a campaign that relies heavily on its past and emphasizes the importance of hope and opportunity.

So consider the young, the segment of the U.S. population has largely given their support. According to a poll published by Time magazine , 74% of young people between 18 and 29 years is paying attention in the presidential election, 32 percentage points more than in 2004 and 61 percentage points more than 8 years ago.

29% of this important segment of the electorate have said that elections in your state, vote for Barack Obama, Hillary 20% and 9% for McCain.

These data reflect not only the exhaustion of the old model based campaign videopolitics. Barack Obama U.S. policy has cooled, giving way to a new model of politics that points to the politician's own relationship with the public and use new media to communicate with the public, mainly the Internet.

In the old model, which represents John McCain, the political campaigns are vertical to the electorate, compared to the new model, horizontal, participatory, where the politician and the people form a team to govern.

In the old model campaigns only serve to maintain the status quo, more of the same. In the new model campaigns serve to promote change. Campaigns the old model promote change in the new form of political campaigning hope.

In the old model campaigns to mobilize traditional betting, to the party structure. The new model focuses on participatory mobilization campaigns through new technologies ( Yes, we can ).

The old campaigns still spreading the message based on the television and use the Internet as a tool. In the new campaigns, the message is disseminated through new communication technologies seamlessly encouraging interaction.

The old model still uses the structure party. The new commitment to civic networks. Political Marketing for those used to generate expectations, Political Marketing in these works to encourage participation.

works in the old model of mass politics in the new communication-mouth (viral).

The old model is run by corrupt politicians, liars and cynics. Construction of the new model requires a new political class, with values. Old campaigns are made possible by money from lobbyists, the new campaign is fueled by money from citizens.

In this context, where there is the movement for Barack Obama. A movement that represents the PEOPLE, CHANGE, HOPE and FUTURE, contrary to what John McCain represents: MORE OF THE SAME, PAST EXPERIENCE, INTEREST GROUPS.

In this context, it is safe to say that Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States of America.


This text was originally published in the newspaper El Tiempo , the city of Monclova, Coahuila.

and is complemented by Mentor Tijerina presentation made at the International Seminar on Strategies election, which took place in the premises of the ITAM in Mexico City, 9 and 10 April this year.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Wholesale Conchos Las Vegas

left for the first time in Cancun 2007 electoral count

With a clear strategy for change, Gregorio "Greg" Sanchez, candidate of the leftist coalition with the People's Force, won the electoral triumph last February 3 at Benito Juárez (Cancún), Quintana Roo, the most important tourist destination in Mexico and Latin America.

Greg Sanchez's victory in Cancun crystallized argued that the electoral growth of the Democratic Revolution Party registered in Benito Juárez since almost a decade. Between 1999 and 2005, the PRD has doubled its level of voting going from 29 thousand to 58 thousand votes, representing a growth of 100%. In the three elections of mayors within that period (1999, 2002 and 2005) the difference between the winning party and the PRD ranged between 600 and 2,700 votes.

should add that in the last three local elections, the participation of cancunenses had a ceiling of 50% (2005) and a floor of 32.5% (2002). In 2005 he held general elections (governor, mayors and local deputies) and in 2002 were intermediate and only renewed the local Congress and the municipalities. That is, the level of participation expected for this election year, 2008, was similar to last six, slightly above 30%. And so it was only 139.707 voters a list of names of 365.626 appeared before the polls, equivalent to 38.21% stake. Putting it in perspective

, electoral research yielded a clear scenario of high competition and low participation in the election of President Benito Juarez City for the period 2008-2011. Against this background, strategies publicum drew up a strategic approach to the campaign of Greg Sanchez-based: the strategy, the candidate and the party strictly in that order.

The change people want

Greg Sanchez took over the issue of change. In his campaign prevailed local factor, taking advantage of discontent benitojuarenses for the poor results of the municipal administration in office, and called for a change of government in creating a citizen's movement around the call to oust the PRI from City Hall.

Thus, Greg defined the meaning of the election and the contest was two: PRI - PRD. Greg's candidacy at the same time, polarized with the PRI candidate, Victor Viveros, whom he described as "more of the same" and accused of representing the past.

discipline kept the campaign's message for change was transverse for the win.

internal elections, citizen leadership and social agenda

Greg Sanchez's candidacy was strengthened internal process of the PRD, despite the clash with Juan Ignacio "El Chacho" Garcia Zalvidea, former leader of the PRD in Quintana Roo and Cancun former mayor (during the electoral process gave up the local leadership of the PRD and went to support the campaign of Victor Viveros). Declared

PRD candidate Greg finalized with the PT and Convergencia coalition with the People's Force, a tactic that diluted the names of the parties, increased the coalition and citizen leadership robusteció Greg, close to the people, with sensitivity and charisma.

Greg also presented a raft of proposals of high social impact ad hoc with the public agenda. Priority issues were: security, paving and cleaning. Air and Earth

Greg Sanchez articulated its air and ground campaigns. On the one hand, maintained a constant media presence as the backbone bearing a message with a local focus city. The air strategy was colorful, festive and purposeful.

And, secondly, met with a strong plan of every house tours, won the streets with a permanent presence on cruises, and edged out their opponents to assist all local citizens' forums which was convened. The campaign also merged the city with events contact Great, of dragging. Vote


Another key factor that played into the candidate of the coalition with the People's Power (PRD-PT-Convergencia), was the call he made to supporters of the PAN in favor of tactical voting.

The call to not waste the vote took effect: the National Action candidates to deputies of the districts X, XI, XII and XIII that make up the municipality of Benito Juárez, together received 20.851 votes, equivalent to 14.97% of the vote, while Patricia Sanchez, candidate for mayor, won only 11.51%, ie 16.091 votes.

The difference between the vote for candidates for deputies and Patricia Sánchez score was 4.760, 3.46 percentage points.

The collapse of the PRI Mobilizing Strategies

As publicum warned in 2007 [1] , Mobilizing the PRI, as those with modern systems, focused and mobilizing the base, not consulting the people to elect candidates, which rarely attracts the vote volatile, which hardly keeps the unit, which can not reduce the voting antiPRI and has a message for the future in a highly competitive scenario, as was the case in Cancun 2008, collapses.

The PRI candidate was wrong and failed to position it. Ran for Victor Viveros, a politician with an image worn, competing for the second time for mayor of Benito Juárez (competed in 2002, that time lost to Garcia Zalvidea Chacho).

Victor Viveros, meanwhile, was never able to exploit their strengths and those of his party: political experience, administrative capacity, party leadership, good assessment of the state government. Faced with the clarity and discipline in his message Greg Sanchez, Viveros was inconsistency and vagueness in his, reflecting lax that followed in its strategy.

Another factor to achieve success not Viveros, was not to have agreed a broader coalition that included the New Alliance Party. The PANAL got almost 6 000 votes, equivalent to 4.30% of the total vote. The difference between Nursery and Greg was less than one percentage point.

Victor Viveros's campaign had several approaches, perhaps motivated by the intervention of "many hands." Finally, focused on its strategy of land and was a 1.089 score the victory.



1. "secret."

2. "prohibited by IEQROO Spot."

3. Junk.

[1] Cf The Alternation Alternation , publicum Strategies, Mexico, 2007. All Rights Reserved.